Dreaming of You

Challenge theme was “Dreaming of You” and to be written as a letter to a missed loved one:

My Dearest Love,

It’s been 51 days since I’ve read your words, and many more since I’ve heard your voice. I miss you more than I can say! No words can portray the longing I feel for you, for us.

I’ve been dreaming of you, my Sweet. My thoughts and heart will not stop this constant beat of longing and hoping. But just when I think I cannot take anymore, my heart expands to hold this dream.

I don’t understand how you can affect me this way, but you do.

Your work has taken you away from “us”, and I can only pray that you will return to take what we’ve started and make it grow and flourish into something magical. Something called “us” that blossoms into forever.

I’m dreaming of you, my Love. I’m dreaming of us. Feel me there in your dreams, hugging you, loving you, missing you.

Until you return, my Love, I will continue to hold the dream.

Love, ~Me


~ Brenda Barnhart ~

Copyright © 2006 Brenda Barnhart