
This spring, I wish to see
the beautiful flowers in vibrant bloom
as their fragrance permeates my soul
and makes my spirit soar.

I wish to take off my shoes
and run my toes through cool, green grass
as I listen to the birds
sing away the winter blues.

I wish to sit under a tree
as I listen to its leaves
dance in the breeze
echoing whispers
of ancient memories.
Lazing in the sun
reading a book of love so true
it takes my breath away.

I wish to look up at the sky
as blue and as clear as can be
and make shapes of the clouds…
a face, a dog, a heart, a bee!

This spring I wish to hear
the laughter of children
as they explore natures rebirth.

I wish to be reborn myself, revived
from the heaviness of a long winter’s nap.
This spring, I wish to come alive.


Copyright © 2004 Brenda Barnhart